
Phase 1:
Educate the society

  • A divine plant lived a million years of evolution to give us everything
    that we ever need to survive.

  • It gave birth to agriculture, gave birth to healing and gave birth to spirituality.

  • It is called as the plant of visions and a plant of true connections.

  • It was used for over 10,000 years.

  • It is one of our oldest relaxant and also a destroyer of our sufferings.

  • But, It is suppressed and tabooed.

  • It’s time to EDUCATE THE SOCIETY.


Phase 2:
Liberate the plant

  • The world’s most suppressed plant has the most nutritious seeds, the most medicinal flowers and the strongest fibres in the entire plant kingdom.

  • It has the highest cellulose production and the highest amount of biomass per acre compared to any other plant on earth. It is a TRUE SUPER PLANT.

  • It is a trillion dollar crop that can change billions of lives, create job opportunities for millions of people, has thousands of applications in the bio-degradable and eco-conscious sector and can cure hundreds of diseases. All this from a single plant.

  • Why suppress? Why suffer? Why destroy? It’s time to LIBERATE THE PLANT.


Phase 3:
Cultivate the lands

  • India is a land of agriculture and over 600 million of its people make their living through agriculture.

  • 89% of India’s population living in the rural society has an opportunity to produce and serve the best raw material for all the products that the society needs, without the use of chemicals, without relying heavily on rains and without fearing crop failure.

  • Over 30 territories and a million acres of land can be seeded with this revolutionary crop.

  • Let’s CULTIVATE THE LANDS and initiate a new economic growth for India.

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Phase 4:
Regulate the harvests

  • Hemp is the most superior and most economical crop.

  • It can be a new national resource, to be grown and scaled to help produce every product we need in our society.

  • It can help us survive now and protect our future at the same time.

  • The future of the plant is hurdled with over 35 years of taboo, with foreign lobbying by mega-rich national corporations and upcoming greedy entrepreneurs.

  • GLM is here to protect fair-trade and fair-share.

  • GLM has created a public policy framework to set up a nationwide, decentralised and non-monopolised way to REGULATE THE HARVESTS.


Phase 5:
Medicate the people

  • For over a hundred years, the world’s most medicinal plant has been ridiculed, prohibited, controlled and suppressed across the planet.

  • Today when the plant is finally being liberated again, it is still being controlled by a few in the name of research with controlled and regulated dosing in this synthetic world of pharmaceutical dominance, when the natural ways of simply consuming the plant have worked just fine for millennia.

  • GLM is here to protect and revive the natural methods of using this plant to cure hundred of diseases.

  • In this suffering world, it is important to learn from the past and create the best paradigm to MEDICATE THE PEOPLE.


Phase 6:
Innovate the products

  • We have passed over 100 years of global suppression of a super crop that could have provided everything that our society needs.

  • Furniture & paper — clothing & shelter — fuels & plastics — foods & nutrition — medicines & cosmetics — relaxants & stimulants.

  • But we have come far away from natural products to destructive productions. Earth cannot take it any more.

  • Nearly 8 billion people needs access to basic products that are safe for them and safe for the planet.



Phase 7:
Recreate the world

  • The 20th century was a disaster and failure of industrial dominance, of monopolised corporations in an increasingly greedy capitalistic society that was blind towards the entire ecosystem of this planet.

  • Over 100 years of destruction to our forests, oceans, rivers, land and air needs to stop immediately.

  • In the 21st century, there is a dire need to reverse climate change and the best and the most efficient way to do that is to grow Hemp everywhere and to consume Hemp in every way imaginable.

  • A new world of bio-products, safer medications and ecological harmony is in the making. Let’s free the plant and together RECREATE THE WORLD.

Free the plant.
Free the minds.
Free the suffering.
Free the creation.
Free the connection.